mandag den 13. februar 2012


Nordic Summer University

Ad-hoc symposium 27.-29. April 2012
Roskilde University, Denmark

Call for Papers - Deadline 15th March 2012

Universities in Europe, have in the last decade, been through a period of structural and organizational changes. There is a growing political focus on results from research activities, but at the same time an increasing pressure to do more teaching. In the process of controlling and directing the academic work, new financial and bureaucratic procedures are introduced and exercised on both the university as system and the researcher/lecturer as individual. This calls for an open and creative discussion about the university both as idea and institution, and its possible ‘futures’.

Questions which concern the current development include: Is the present development therefore an important departure from the Humboldtian system of research-based university education? Will the policies from the Bologna process undermine the tradition of the freedom of enquiry in the universities? Will this development increase the quality of the academic work or rather lead to the homogenisation and loss of diversity which still exist between universities in Europe? Do those political attempts, such as getting direct control of the research activities and the curriculum in the university education, threaten the university as a free institution in the Humboldt tradition? Will they change the university's role as the basis for a democratic society? What kind of future for the universities is that current higher education policies are forming for us? What are the possibilities for the universities? Should the university as idea be protected as a world Cultural Heritage?
The symposium, drawing on the research and experiences of the participants, will discuss above important matters. It aims to have some understanding of the overall situation, as well as identify the areas where further research and discussions are needed. We would also like to discuss different scenarios for possible university ‘futures' and to create directions for the university's role in future society.
The ad-hoc symposium, will as part of discussions, prepare a proposal (a manchet) for a coming three year NSU study circle on the theme: “The futures of the University” to be presented at the NSU summer session 2012.

Abstract Submission
Word limit: 350 words with a short biography.
Send it to: nsu-symp-papers [at]
Submission deadline: the 15th March 2012. Authors will be notified by 20th March 2012.
Nordic as well as international participants are welcome. Participants without presentations are welcome too. Presentations may be made either in English or in one of the Scandinavian languages.

More information:
Symposium fee: 67€ (paid on arrival) including 2-night accommodation (shared with 2 or 4 persons), symposium dinner, lunches, coffees and teas. Single accommodation can also be arranged with different fees.
Preliminary program can be found: from the 20th March 2012 on where you can also find more information about NSU and sign up for the newsletter.
Registration: from 15th March 2012. (Further notice on registration at from 15th March)

Coordinator: Jesper Jorgensen E-mail: jesperjo [at]

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