onsdag den 3. august 2011

Forsvar de offentlige universiteter i Grækenland

Velkommen tilbage fra sommerferien! - måske tilbage fra Grækenland? Landet er andet end turisme. Alverdens lærde akademier kan spore deres rødder tilbage til den græske antik, længe før universiteter opstod i middelalderen. I dag er Grækenland på grund af sin nyere historie et af de europæiske lande med de stærkeste traditioner for akademisk selvstyre og forskning og uddannelse på universiteterne som offentlige goder. Disse goder er nu truet, og græske akademikere beder om støtte fra europæiske kolleger:
We appeal to our colleagues from the international academic community, who have experienced the consequences of similar reforms, to support us in our struggle to defend education as a public good. We fight, together with our British, French, Dutch, Italian, Spanish and other colleagues, for the respect of the academic tradition of the European universitas in current conditions.

We ask you to send electronically the appeal below, signed with your name and indicating your academic status and institutional affiliation, to the Initiative of Greek Academics (europeanuniversitas1@gmail.com) or sign online at http://www.petitiononline.com/mod_perl/signed.cgi?GRUNIV

The support of the international academic community will prove invaluable for the upcoming developments not only in Greek Universities but in respect to public European Higher Education as a whole.
Læs mere om baggrunden i den fulde opfordring her.

1 kommentar:

Claus Emmeche sagde ...

September-hilsen fra vore græske kolleger:

Sendt: to 08-09-2011 10:49
Til: undisclosed-recipients
Emne: Support Greek Academia / A letter to all those who signed the petition

August 31, 2011

Dear colleagues,

We are most grateful for your support to our campaign. The petition 'Support Greek Academia' collected more than 970 signatures from academics coming from 43 countries. The complete list of signatures is uploaded in our blog.

Among those who signed the petition are a great number of internationally established scholars, distinguished professors, Rectors, Deans and young
academics. In addition, a significant number of researchers, administrative staff, postgraduates, undergraduates and alumni signed the petition. It is obvious that academics throughout the world put personal effort in distributing our campaign and making it known to their colleagues.

The petition campaign had a tremendous effect in the public discussion of the proposed Higher Education bill. It was widely reported and discussed through the mass media and other social networks.

It was brought up and commented upon by MPs during the three-day debate of the bill at the Greek Parliament. The Minister of Education posted a message and a letter to our e-mail address and attempted to publicly discredit the petition. The Minister's letter and our reply are uploaded to our blog. Given the success and the huge publicity of the campaign , it is possible that you may be
approached (as it already happened with some of you) to clarify the reasons for signing the petition.

The Higher Education bill was passed amidst an avalanche of reactions from the Rectors' Synod, the academic community and even the Scientific Advisory Committee of the Parliament which stated that some provisions of the bill contradict the Greek constitution.

The 'Greek paradox' in this context is that the academic community is asked to operate in an institutional framework it has largely opposed, a framework which received a strong support by the Parliament. We would like, once more, to thank you for your contribution. It proved crucial in our efforts for a democratic, self-administered and unconditional university, open to the society but not subjugated to the regimes of marketability, auditability and quantitative assessment.

The Initiative of Greek Academics

E-mail: europeanuniversitas1@gmail.com, europeanuniversitas@gmail.com
