"it is impossible to understand the transformations in the university without linking them to transformations in labor and production. Because new forms of valorization and accumulation make knowledge a central commodity, the role of the university changes definitively. It becomes a sort of “knowledge and education factory.” Notwithstanding, there is an irreducible difference between the industrial factory and the supposed new one. This difference is related to the particularity of the good that is produced in the university, i.e. knowledge. In fact, knowledge is not a scarce commodity: on the contrary, its richness comes from social cooperation and collective use. The production of knowledge is thus without measure. It is inseparable from living labor. Knowledge is always living knowledge. This difference is the main source of the struggles against the becoming corporation of the university, its imposition of an artificial measure, and the enclosure of free knowledge."Der er derfor grund til at lægge mærke til såvel "soft knowledge production in hard times" (se dette akademiske møde) som de mere aktivistiske protester, der anspores til ovenfor.
ps -- Jeg beklager de tungebrækkende fremmedord i overskriften: Fremmedord, sprogets jøder, som Adorno kaldte dem, er nødvendige når egne ord ikke rækker.
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